
$25.00 for Weekend Pass
$3.00 off for pre-registration
$2.00 off for games club membership

$10.00 for Day Pass
$1.00 off for pre-registration
$1.00 off for games club membership

$5.00 for Slot pass
$1.00 off for pre-registration
$1.00 off for games club membership

Running a game for Gryphcon? Check out your discount here!

Running 1 Game  - FREE SLOT PASS
Running 2 Games - FREE DAY PASS
Running 3 Games - FREE WEEKEND PASS


.: Links and Sponsors

Below are some links to our sponsors and sites we think might be of interest to you. Please take the time to visit these sits. Thanks!

Consupport - Consupport is helping us by providing our online registration system.

White Wolf - A major gaming company that has provided prize support!

Dragon's Landing Inn - A gaming podcast that was kind enough to advertise our con on their show!

.: Artist that Will Participating in Artists Alley

Tabby Lulham (Artist Ally Co-Ordinator)


Exim Works Media & Gear

Noreen Rana

Natasha Niznik (A Little Hedonism)



Web site contents © Copyright Gryphcon 2007, All rights reserved.