Urban Shadows



Role Playing Game


Apocalypse World Hack


#3 Saturday 9am-1pm

Game Description

Urban Shadows

It used to be such a nice city, or that's what our parents always told us when we were younger. They were wrong.

It's always been like this, but people never want to see things for what they really are. This city is drowning in darkness, always has been, and you know it. The murders, the disappearances, they get brushed off as gang violence and animal attacks. But you know better, you've seen the real side to this place, the ugly monstrous side.

So, who are you exactly? Are you one of us? A mortal who knows more than the rest of them and fights back in their own way? A Vampire who prowls the city streets searching for you next meal, or avoiding it, perhaps? A Werewolf, powerful and wild as nature's fury? A Changeling, a Fae-born living in both worlds, never sure where is home? This city has many different faces, and many different masks for them to hide behind.

Urban Shadows is a role-playing game set in an urban fantasy setting and draws inspiration from fiction such as; Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, and The Dresden Files.

It asks one very important question, how far will you wander into the darkness to fight the darkness. Players can play archetypes ranging from powerful wizards, demon-born tainted, to every-day people with a special talent. All of them have the potential to shake their city and all have the chance to fall.

Urban Shadows is a hack of Apocalypse World, the award-wining rpg that delivers action and narrative focus to a game at break-neck speed. Character creation is integral to the game experience and takes approximately forty five minutes to complete. This game is in an early draft state and into initial playtesting. Do you dare enter into the shadows?

Game Master

Andrew Medeiros








Chris C.


Andrew "god complex" Carleton


Masterful Madman


Just Curious
posted by Andrew Medeiros on Tue, 05 Feb 2013
Does anyone have any experience with Apocalypse World games?