As We Know It



Role Playing Game


Unknown Armies 2nd Edition


#8 Sunday 2pm-6pm

Game Description

All that crap about Mayan and 2012 and THEN December 22nd being the end of the the world there no way any of it could be true right. The funny things is people in the Occult Underground is they have a terrible habit of making the fantastical fact ask the Annihilomancer who can make things spontaneously combust, to the Dipsomancer who can perform open heart surgery drunk off his ass, to the Videomancer who imprisons other peoples souls in TVs. Granted those are extremes but The Sleepers the secret group dedicated to policing dangerous mages and keeping them out of the public eye aren't taking any chances. They are sending a large number of there agents to end of the world parties across the globe to keep an eye on events . You are members of the Lodge a group of Toronto Sleepers from all different walks of life each from a different school of magic heading to a massive party at the ROM where noted members of the Occult Underground as well as more than a few mundanes are expected to attend. Your job is to keep an eye out for magical activity the ROM artefacts being a source of them as is while making sure no mages are being too obvious. Let's hope you can make the End of the World After Party.

Unknown Armies is a game of Postmodern Magick where mages called adepts or dukes gain charges based of there school to then spend on spells (For example Dipsomancers gain charges from consuming booze and can spend them on spells to make them seem as Harmless as a Drunk or even sip the souls of others), it has a built in madness systems as well and uses a single D100.

This game is recommended for players with some roleplaying experience.

Players will chose from a variety of PCs beyond those included in the descriptions which give a good taste of characters. I should have a videomancer (tv based magic), a diposomancer (alchohol based magic) and a cliomancer (history based magic, its actually pretty cool) done by gryphcon if you not a fan of your current character.

Game Master

Cameron McDowell

Acolyte Hans Shultz, Annihilist Zen Monk Punk

Oliver Cook A paradox in himself Hans Shultz is a annihilomancer with a zen perspective. A prodigy from Germany who came to came to Toronto after being chase away by mostly hardcore punk Annihilomancers there, he practices a spiritual kind of destruction elimiating physical and emotional burdens to help others on there path to enlightenment. His use of fire and explosions to accomplish this has greatly helped the Sleepers when they need extra mojo, the selfish needs of rogue adepts distract other from Nirvana after all.

Melody Varma, The World’s Nicest Death Mage

Thornlord An Animal Shelter worker by day, Thanatomancer and Euthanasia Provider by night, Melody is one of the very few Death Mages the sleeper see as "good". Trained by and old wise women who she found killing strays in her neighbor hood to heal the poor, Melody has tried to use here skills to help despite the evil inherent to murder. With knowledge of one of the oldest most powerful magick in the world Melody providers healing to wounded sleepers and terrible pain to dangerous dukes who never expect to be fighting a Butcher.

Albert Wu, Old Dataist with New Tricks

John St.Germain While most Infomancers are hackers and graffiti artists Albert belongs to an old breed of Newspaper men. An Editor for the Globe he helps keep magic incidents on the down low and feeds info to the Sleepers. He gains charges through the input of secret messages in the crossword puzzles and headlines and is a legend in the Infomancer community. He is one of the oldest and wisest Sleeper Agents in the City and the unofficial Leader of the Group.

Owen Lebewitz, Douchbag Fury for Good

Wesley Moynihan An angry victim most of his life Owen found solace in Irascimancy: Anger Based Magic taught by his School Guidance Teacher and turned into the thing he hated to get his revenge a Douchebag. Gaining charges by making others angry sometime with just his presence he fights the bullies who once made him so furious. Now a master of his unique craft his frank manner and habit of causing anger fuel distractions have helped the sleepers on many occasions

Reginald "Regi" Davis, Comic Book fanboy with Real Freaking Powers

JustJake Reginald is your classic Bilbliomancer, sheltered childhood, found solace in books more than other people blah blah blah, with one small exception Regi read comics, all kinds all shapes all forms his collection of issues numbers in the thousands from rare editions to signed copies. He was surprisingly chill when he started changing reality to suit his whim, naturally he always wanted to have super powers. He pursues magic the same same he pursues his collection with a cold almost emotionless passion which has lead to difficulties relating to others. Nevertheless he has proved to be a natural fit for the sleepers, he’s read comics about people with powers going unchecked and feels its his duty to help, if he gets to feel like a hero in the process, well thats nice too.

Harper "Pix" Morelli, Heartbreaking Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Brian Little While most Amoromancers are cold hearted Heartbreakers because it gives them power, Pix just can't help it. In love with everyone and incapable of loving a single person is it her fault everyone else falls in love with her and can’t accept her long string of significant others, stalkers and self proclaimed fan boys. Whatever the case her contacts and manipulation of emotions has served the Sleepers well.
