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Gryphcon 2005, April 1 - 3, 2005.

Welcome to Gryphcon 2005!

We have only one and half months to go, and we'd like to thank everyone who is involved - all volunteers, vendors, and the continued support of the members and executive of the University of Guelph Games Club. This year is shaping up to be an amazing gaming experience! We've got a great crew of people working on the convention and they are constantly working to make Gryphcon fantastic experience!

We've just updated the web page with new information regarding this year's convention. For those of you looking for RPGA action we are pleased to announce that we will certainly be running Living Greyhawk, Living Force and Living Spycraft. Both new and established players are welcome.

Prices have been set - Preregistration is still $22, otherwise $25 at the door. Just coming out for part of the con? A day pass is $15. In response to requests for a per-slot pricing, per-slot fees will be $8.

We have plenty of prizes to give away at Gryphcon this year. We have over $5000 dollars of prize support, fake rolex and this value is increasing. A special thanks for this should go out to Erik Growen of Yggdrasil Games for his support!!!


Jeff Dunnett, Gryphcon Coordinatoor 2005

Gryphcon is a presentation of the University of Guelph Games Club.